
Our Smart Tracking Service


Empower your business, controlling your staff and optimizing your resources. Integrate quickly in your operation with our import/export tools.


Position reports and events generated on the devices, such as alarms or messages, are represented visually and sound instantly on your screen.


Multiple operations are supported by the generation of work orders, route planning, delivery compliance, image and document exchange, high security messaging and signature capture on remote devices.

iphone Slider
  • App Slide 1
  • App Slide 1
  • App Slide 1


Re-view the tours made as if they were a movie, at any time, with a simple request for the desired time span.


All the information generated in the system can be displayed in geospatial form (map), in a timeline arrangement (list) or summarized in statistical analysis (charts).


Scale your cost according to your specific information and control requirements. Sensors, interfaces and actuators can be progressively incorporated optionally, starting from a basic service to a full service.

  • We are extremely pleased with the work that InsideIT has done for us. We constantly receive positive feedback from our users. Their attention to us as the customer is excellent. They really care about our business and listen to our needs.

  • I have a wonderful review of this company. For me, it is so heartwarming to work with a team, that really understands the user experience and works with agile methodologies on deliveries. I love their collaborative process working with our IT department.

  • The satellite tracking service provided by this company has been the most effective for our requeriments. Their Dual service provides coverage everywhere. The technical service is always ready to cover any contingency.

Pricing Plans

Start from a Basic plan to get a hang of things and then upgrade as needed.



Completly Free

  • Realtime Auto Tracking
  • Requires vehicle installed device
  • Try our app for unlimited period of time with few limitations.
    No Credit Card required and no lengthy terms and conditions to deal with.
  • Unlimited tracking storage



$14.99 a month

  • Realtime Auto Tracking
  • Requires vehicle installed device
  • Smart Report Interval
    500m / 180sec / 30min
    by Heading
  • Panic Only
  • Remote Power cut off (Optional)
  • Unlimited tracking storage
  • Web Access Control



$29.99 a month

  • Realtime Auto Tracking
  • Requires vehicle installed device
  • Smart Report Interval 200m / 90sec / 30minby Heading & Events
  • Panic, Alarms & EventsNotifications
  • Remote Power cut off (Optional)
  • Unlimited tracking storage
  • Web Access Control
  • Bidirectional Messaging (Optional)
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Supports multiple Additional Sensors
  • Route Planning
  • Work orders
  • Deliveries Checking

Pricing FAQ

What can i do with my free plan?

Stay in contact with the transportation and logistics market, create your own history and if you want share it with your contacts, or just receive promotional information on the route based on location of your favorite stores. If you are professional driver, receive messages, notifications, route plan, send photos, images, capture signatures, and all other documents from and to your transportation company in the most secure tracking platform. Analyze your own performance, traveled kilometers and times, delays and stops, take advantage of connectivity world.

I have a fleet can I improve the numbers?

Yes, we have a tailor made plan and a solution for your operations, each business has its particularities and we can work together to find what service is best suited to your requirements. We have a whole set of sensors, equipments and functions that we can configure, to put together in a plan to suit you. Do not hesitate to contact us and let us know your need, we work every day to add value and reduce operating costs, we are specialist in this area, surely we can help you.

Is purchase price refundable?

Our services that require installation of one device in the vehicle or asset are contracted for a term of 24 months with an automatic renewal clause, if you were not satisfied with the service received, you can request the cancellation at any time and only have to pay one month for each 6 months of early recision.
The termination of the contract on such device will become effective once the vehicle or asset where the equipment was installed is made available to our staff to perform their respective uninstallation.

What is the best way to getting starting?

Feel free to install the application on your phone, you will be already in contact with us, and you only need to send message to the support contact that appears on the screen and our staff will response as soon as posible to help you. You can too request a plan upgrade in the same manner and our team coordinate with you the installation of the device in your vehicle or asset.
If you prefer, send us an email with your questions in the contact section of the site.

Write us

Let us help you. Tell us a bit about your needs or just leave us a comment.