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Cross Platform Development

Developer time is expensive, and the time-to-market that most software innovations need in order be successful, is short. Maintaining a single code base for applications that can proliferate to IOS, Android, Windows, Web Browser, and even less mainstream devices, is purely a winning strategy.
The world has gone mobile. It has become a “must have” element for any organization, regardless of its size. Undoubtedly, some organizations can concentrate on only one mobile OS (operating system) and avoid all the other ones, yet it is important for many businesses to focus on a myriad of mobile devices with various operating systems. Gone are those days when you were satisfied with only having a mobile app. Today, it is important that the app must support all devices
Since the User Interface (UI) and User Experience Design (UXD) of iOS and Android are quite different from each other, it’s not an easy task to create a uniform GUI wrapper on top of it.
Though many cross platforms tools have put in significant work on this front, it is far from perfect.
We believe that the UI has great importance when using an application or another, so we focus on optimizing it. For which we have experts in each of the main operating systems to achieve the best combination of performance and experience.

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